Document Recovery Service
Sometimes problems happen around documents and files - laptops get stolen, USB keys get lost, files get mistakenly deleted and so on.
There can be scenarios where a document had previously been uploaded into Guru in Word/PDF format and the author might need to get a copy of the original source (typically Word) format. Perhaps they lost their laptop in the time between uploading and comments being returned by the external examiner.
Thankfully we have a new solution!
Exam Office and Superuser staff now have a new facility for exam document retrieval. This can be found on their administration page by selecting the option ‘Document Recovery’.
A few pointers of this facility:
- The recovered document is in the original password protected format (chosen by the uploading academic)
- The password format means that appropriate users with restrictions on exam paper viewing will be able to download the documents for other users without compromising their own protections
- If the academic does not remember their password, they can use the existing password recovery feature on their module page (Examination tab)
- Superusers and Exam Office staff have access to this facility
- Solutions may also be downloaded in the same way, by selecting ‘Solutions’ under ‘Document Type’
- When searching, complete all fields, including the upload author (in some setups of Guru, multiple papers can be uploaded by different lecturers)